
About The Northeast Ginger Blog

Believe it or not, I’ve been blogging since 2011.

Ok, so I took a break for like, a few years.

And I changed the name, twice. And the concept. And I changed cities…more than a handful of times. But I’m an OG, y’all. I may not be a very good OG, but still, it counts. Right?

When I rebranded in 2019, I decided to leave some of the old, original content. No, it doesn’t fit who I am today or what this blog represents now. But, it’s kinda cool to see how far I’ve come, and where my writing got its start. So, deal with it. And if you ain’t into old shit, check out the new new.

About The Author


Hello friends (and Internet trolls), and welcome!

I’m Katrina, the fiery, sarcastic redhead behind The Northeast Ginger.

I hate how fake social media has made us as a society, and it drives me insane that most bloggers only put their best self in public view. I’m here to change that.

My style of writing is authentic AF because quite simply, it’s not my job to sugar coat shit for you; I’m not Willy Wonka.

Yes, my content has swears in it (oh, the horror!!!) but that’s the real me. And the good news is that if it’s not your thing, there’s a million other blogs to choose from.

You still with me? Awesome. So let’s jump right in to the introduction part.

Who am I, really?

I’m a mom, a wife, a writer and editor, an explorer and a complete history nerd.

I don’t like olives, I’m obsessed with Ancient Aliens (Giorgio Tsoukalos if you’re reading this, I’m down for a guest appearance anytime bro) and the crowning achievement in my life is that an elderly woman once called me a harlot via a handwritten card that was delivered by snail mail. She was a complete stranger, BTW. More on that later. 

I have an impeccable memory when it comes to random useless facts, I definitely don’t drink enough water (hydrate or die, folks) and I spend most of my free time eating – and taking iPhone pics of said food to post on my Instagram (because if you don’t Instagram it, did it even really happen?).

Oh, and, I was in a commercial that aired on public-access television in 2011, so, I’m basically a celebrity.

I know what you’re thinking: “Cool story, bro.” Or, if I’m really lucky, you’re like, “Dang this chick is funny. Tell me more.”

So why am I here sharing content with you? Why should you read my shit?

Because life is tough, dude. And spending your whole life being who you think society wants you to be doesn’t make it any easier. Being yourself is the most freeing thing out there. So screw the world! (wait, no, not literally. Well, actually…do you boo. I don’t judge.)

I truly believe that at its core, life is all about exploring the world around you, embarking on new adventures to gain a greater understanding of people and places, creating something special and meaningful, and discovering your most authentic self.

I’m on a journey towards living my best life, based on those very principles, and I hope that you’ll join me. Because whatever your best life looks like for you, we can get there together.

Author Bio 

Katrina (Powell) Tomacchio is an experienced writer and editor who has spent more than a decade in the communications industry. Her diverse background spans numerous facets of the industry, providing valuable knowledge and skills applicable to print/digital journalism, public relations, social media marketing and organizational communication.

Tomacchio holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Westfield State University, which focused heavily on print/web journalism and television broadcasting. She also holds a Master of Arts in Communication from Suffolk University, with a concentration in advertising and public relations, and qualitative research exploring the topics of interpersonal and organizational communication. Her master’s thesis took an in-depth look at job satisfaction and worker motivation in the print newspaper industry.

She enjoys exploring new cities, hiking, and searching used bookstores for vintage copies of The Great Gatsby. She owns far more J.Crew cardigans than she can count, never turns down a piece of cheesecake and considers sour cream to be a major food group. She spends most of her days caring for her three children and being a homemaker.


Email: hello@thenortheastginger.com

Instagram: @thenortheastginger